This liquid substance will not condense, but the cave is too narrow for the organ method to reach other organ positions through them.

But nutrients can pass. I don’t know why these organs suddenly closed up. Those organs with more nutrients handed some of their own nutrients to organs with less nutrients through caves to maintain their lives. While that organ clos to the edge of the coagulated shell try to get nutrients from the outside. Because moth […]

Precise refers to the fact that the bomb depicts a rather precise and complex energy circuit, so it is quite delicate to fire with a magnetic weapon.

Because the strong instantaneous magnetic field will instantly destroy the armor-piercing effect of the projectile. Therefore, this kind of armor-piercing projectile can be fired in a chemical energy way, just like the other side makes this blade. Cosmic-scale chemical energy can fire projectiles, which is not even a medium-range weapon, and it is extremely slow. […]